Do you want to take control of your life, make changes, and create a better future? Then you’re not alone! I’ve never been one for strict New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I’ve always embraced the moment, letting life unfold naturally. But 2025 feels different. This year, I’m making 2025 my Year of Positive Change and taking action to create the life I truly want!
My Goals for the Year of Positive Change 2025
- Move to a place where I truly feel at home
- Improve my health – lose weight, get stronger, and be more active
- Complete a yoga teacher training
- Gain financial freedom – start saving and investing in funds, and become debt-free
- Quit my job and start something of my own
Why These Goals?
1. Moving – A Fresh Start and a New Home
I’ve wanted to move ever since I moved into my current rental apartment in september 2017. Back then, I couldn’t afford to keep my own place and ended up renting. For years, I’ve dreamed of a different home—writing pages upon pages in my journal about my dream house, envisioning every detail, from the colors and furniture to the sunset views from a flower-filled balcony. But over time, I lost faith that it could happen.
I realized I’ve been limiting myself by believing I have to own a home to move. But why? I can find a beautiful rental in a place I actually want to live! So I’ve set a goal: By June 1, 2025, I will move, and I’m already excited for a summer filled with new experiences in a new place!
2. Health, Fitness, and Well-being – A Strong and Healthy Future
II want to live a long and vibrant life—my goal is to reach at least 103 years! I do strength training at least four days a week and have done so for over 13 years. I also practice yoga daily and have been consistent since August 10, 2024. My goal is to complete 365 consecutive days of yoga, and once I reach that milestone, I will take the next step: a yoga teacher training in 2025!
To stay consistent with being more active, I’ve also set a concrete goal: walk 8,000+ steps every day in 2025, totaling 3 million steps by the end of the year! I have written a separate blog post about this challenge and will update it along the way to track my progress. The first update will be about how January went!
📌 Read more about my 3 Million Steps Challenge here:
3. Financial Freedom – Control and Security
What does it mean to truly own your finances? To me, it’s about having full control—knowing what I earn, what I spend, and how to build a financial future I can be proud of.
Challenges Along the Way
My financial situation has been a major challenge. During the pandemic, I was furloughed from my permanent job, and after six months, I was offered another position. However, to take the job, I had to become self-employed. After working for just over a year as a Key Account Manager—taking on extensive responsibilities, bringing in many new clients, and earning well—the company abruptly terminated my contract. It was a family-owned business, and they became greedy, replacing me with another family member. I had sensed that something was off in the weeks leading up to it, but I never expected them to go that far.
Not only did I lose my income that day, but I also lost commission payments I had earned and was left with the ongoing expenses of running my own business. They refused to pay me the money they owed—€32,500 / ~$35,000—throwing my finances into chaos. I lived off my savings for a few months before I was able to get unemployment benefits, and eventually, I returned to my permanent job.
The Road to Recovery
On top of that, I was hit with a massive tax bill of €12,500 / ~$13,500 because of the business. My wages were garnished for years, making it even harder to recover financially. But I made it through! By October 2024, I was finally free from wage deductions and ready for a fresh start.
Even though my time as self-employed ended badly, it also showed me what I’m truly capable of when I give my all. That experience taught me resilience, adaptability, and the power of believing in myself—qualities I will take with me into my future endeavors.
The Road to Recovery
Now it’s time to rebuild my financial stability. I want to:
✅ Gain full oversight of my income and spending
✅ Set up a budget
✅ Start saving and investing in funds
✅ Become debt-free and take full ownership of my financial future
I’ve learned so much about finances from a podcast that I highly recommend. I’ve listened to it four times already, and I’ll keep listening because it gives me motivation and hope. Financial freedom is possible—and I will achieve it!
🎧 Listen to the podcast that helped to changed my mindset: The Truth About Money and Why We Have It All Wrong | The Mel Robbins Podcast
4. Quitting My Job – And Creating Something of My Own
I’ve worked in sales and customer service for many years, and I used to love my job—especially the small, meaningful interactions with customers and colleagues. But over the past few years, my work has changed. More tasks, fewer employees, and exhausting shifts from 6 AM to 10 PM. I feel suffocated, and I know this isn’t my future.
But what do I want instead? All I know is that I want to create something of my own. I love healthy food, fitness, strength training, and yoga. I enjoy sharing knowledge and inspiring others. Maybe I can build something from that? Maybe this blog is the start of something new?
I don’t have all the answers yet, but one thing is certain: I’m ready for a Year of Positive Change 2025!
What’s Next?
This is just the beginning! In future blog posts, I’ll share my journey—what I’m doing to reach my goals, the challenges I face, and what I learn along the way.
Have you been through similar changes? Do you have any tips or insights? Leave a comment or follow along—let’s inspire each other to create lives we truly love! 🚀
Fiffibelle 💖